Electrical Safety Checks 2021: A guide for landlords
Government regulations that came into place in March 2021 now require electrical safety checks and services to be carried out on all rental properties by a licensed electrician every 2 years.
It also dictates that all smoke alarms must be tested according to the manufacturer’s instructions and replaced if required at least once every 12 months.
Our safety checks include:
- An electrical safety check of the electrical installation, switchboard and fittings provided by the landlord.
- Testing of all smoke alarms in all properties except apartments (this must be done by a specialist technician) to ensure they are in working order.
Upon completion of these checks you will receive:
A dated digital report prepared in accordance with Section 2 of AS/NZS 3019 “Electrical installations – Periodic Verification” which outlines:
- The name of the licensed electrician who conducted the check.
- License number of the electrician.
- The date the check was conducted.
- The results of the check including any repairs that were required and actions taken to address the repair.
A report on all smoke alarms in the residence outlining:
- The date of the test,
- How they operate (ie. battery operated or hardwired),
- How to test each smoke alarm in the premises,
- A warning to tenants not to tamper with any smoke alarms and to report if any of the smoke alarms in the rented premises are not working.
*The record of every residence’s electrical safety check and smoke alarm tests must be kept until new checks are undertaken and new reports provided.
Our rates
Residence = $230 ex gst per property.
Commercial property = Price on assessment.
Smoke alarm check:
$80 ex gst per smoke alarm.
If you need multiple properties checked at one time please contact admin@181electrical.com.au for adjusted pricing.
What is the landlord responsible for?
- Ensuring only licensed electrical professionals perform all electrical work.
- Providing a copy of the most recent electrical safety check report to the tenant within 7 days of receiving a written request.
- Arranging an electrical safety check as soon as possible if one has not been conducted within the last 2 years at the time the tenant moves into the premises.
- Organising urgent replacement of any smoke alarms if they are notified by the tenant that it’s no longer in working order.
- Checking to ensure all provided electrical appliances are safe before a new tenant moves in. Ie. Check for damage to plugs, leads and casings that may expose live parts or cause a fire (we can undertake this assessment for an added fee).
What is the tenant responsible for?
- Ensuring they don’t remove, deactivate or interfere with the operation of any prescribed safety device (ie, smoke alarms, RCD’s etc).
- Immediately reporting any appliance that is clearly faulty to the landlord in writing.
- Providing the landlord with written notice upon becoming aware of an issue with a smoke alarm.
- Allowing reasonable access for the landlords contractor to carry out required electrical safety checks and maintenance.
Prepare for the future
New rules regarding power outlets and lighting circuits are coming into effect from the 29th of March 2023.
They dictate that all power outlets and lighting circuits must be connected to a switchboard-type safety switch compliant with Australian Electrical Safety Standards. These are otherwise known as Residual Current Devices or RCD’s (current operated earth leakage devices).
Different types can include:
- Residual Current Operated Circuit-Breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO’s).
- Residual Current Operated Circuit-Breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB’s).
Get these upgrades out of the way early. Our technicians can assess your residences and let you know what needs to be done to ensure they are compliant with these incumbent laws.

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